A lot of kids are graduating college this month, which meals there will be a slew of twentysomethings pounding the pavement looking for a job. Well, there’s some good news for them, because a new CareerBuilder survey finds that 80% of employers are planning to hire college graduates this year, which is up 6% from last year.
But that’s not the only good news. It seems 47% of employers who are going to hire college grads will offer higher pay than last year, with a third of them offering a starting salary of $50K or more.
Unfortunately despite the increase in hiring, a lot of college grads are making some huge mistakes that will likely cost them that dream job. Some of the common mistakes they make include:
- Didn't send a thank you note: 37%
- Didn't know anything about the company: 35%
- Didn't submit a cover letter: 31%
- Didn't ask any questions in the interview: 29%
- Didn't have professional references: 26%
- Had poor grammar on their resume: 26%
- Had unprofessional pictures on their social media profiles: 21%
- Checked their mobile phone during the interview: 19%
- As for the most in-demand majors they include business (35%), engineering (22%) and computer and information sciences (18%).
Source: Yahoo Finance