When you think of couples living together in unwedded bliss you probably think of 20Somethings just starting out, but according to a new report you need to start thinking older…and we mean much older.
In case you missed it, according to a recent report, the amount of unmarried couples over fifty that are just living together has increased 75% from 2007 to 2016, which is the largest increase of any age range. More specifically, cohabiters over the age of 50 increased from 2.3-million over a decade ago to 4-million, while about 900,000 are over the age of 65, double the amount of ten years ago.
As for why, it could be a number of things. First off, the numbers could just be reflective of the amount of baby boomers there are. Increasing divorce rates also play a part, since divorce rates amongst those over the age of 50 have doubled since the 1990s. And with divorce comes a change in how folks view marriage.
- There also seems to be more advantages for older couples to just live together rather than get married. As folks get older they may accumulate more debt and by not getting married they don’t become responsible for what their spouse owes. Getting married may affect government and pension benefits, plus one person’s assets won’t stop the other from getting Medicaid benefits if needed.
- And living together rather than alone has benefits even if there’s no ring on any finger. Those living together get companionship, plus more friends, sexual intimacy, and someone to monitor their health.
Source: New York Times