When you have a bad case of the Mondays or things just aren’t going right, you can still turn your day around. Don’t let a bad mood set in, just use one of these ways to perk up and de-stress fast, so you can get back to being positive and productive.
Have a snack - But put down that candy bar and snack on foods that are scientifically proven to boost your mood, like clementines, avocados, or berries.
Watch a funny video on YouTube - Everyone’s sense of humor is different, but anything you find funny will work. A recommendation? “Sad Affleck.”
Listen to your favorite song - Hearing your favorite tune will help put a smile on your face fast.
Or listen to this song - Neuroscientists at Mindlab International found that volunteers who listened to “Weightless” by Marconi Union felt a 65% decrease in anxiety, so it’s worth a try.
Curse it out - Researchers at Keele University School of Psychology in the UK found those who curse freely have a higher tolerance for pain and lower levels of perceived pain. So just swear your way to a better mood.
Give yourself a hand massage - If you can escape to a spa for an expert massage, do it. But when you need to snap out of a bad mood, this simple tutorial can help you find your zen in just a few minutes.
Window-shop online - Spend a few minutes online browsing the clothes, bags, shoes, and such that you love and help shake off any negativity without breaking the budget.
Source: PureWow