Earth day is later this month and it seems Millennials really do care about trying to save our planet. A new survey finds that sustainability is such a big issue to young folks that over two-thirds of Millennials would gladly give up social media for a week if it meant everyone in their company recycled. But that’s not all, 10% of Millennials say they’d actually quit their job if their company didn’t care about sustainability.
And Millennials are doing what they can to get their message to their employers. In fact, 82% say they try to find ways to make their company more sustainable, while 67% feel they have a big enough influence in their office to make an impact in such areas.
In general, 77% of Millennials say they recycle at work, while 83% recycle at home, which shows there’s more that needs to be done in the workplace. Along those lines, 62% of Millennials say they would recycle more in the workplace if it was an option, as compared to only 55% of Gen Xers and 58% of Baby Boomers.
Source: The Business Journal