It’s official, Napoleon City Council has approved Kevin Garringer, the Henry County auditor as the new finance director in Napoleon. The legislation passed by suspension of the rules at the Tuesday council session.

A proposal to install stop-signs to set-up a three-way stop at the intersection of Bales Road and Westmoreland Avenue will be placed in the form of legislation for Napoleon City Council. The move is being made to improve traffic for before and after school. Napoleon City Council approved the third and final reading for an ordinance to sell the city’s remaining electric substations to American Municipal Power. The city will continue to maintain the facilities, and will be paid for that work.

Napoleon Council will see a resolution coming their way soon to establish a Community Re-investment Area in the location of the proposed spec building for Keller Logistics in the city’s industrial park. A recommendation from the Napoleon Healthcare Committee was reviewed, calling for about a 2.5% increase in health care costs for employees.

And Napoleon City Council has authorized a contribution to the proposed new agriculture multi-purpose building at the Henry County Fairgrounds. The contribution is in the form of electric service for the first four years the facility is in operation.

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