Several development projects slated for Napoleon have requested community reinvestment area status, to aid in tax abatement. Two are residential developments on Clairmont Avenue and Trail Drive, and the retail development is planned adjacent to Wood Drive, off North Scott Street. The proposal is for a 50% tax abatement.
Napoleon Council approved a design contract for replacing the VanHyning sewer pump station, a 1.3 million dollar project. Some grants and low interest loans are being sought to help pay for the work.
Napoleon schools have told the city they are no longer able to provide manpower for NC-TV, and broadcast council meetings. The program is being phased-out, and the city will be putting their money in their own equipment to tape council sessions. They hope to put them on you-tube, and would be free to the public.
Napoleon Council accepted a donation of $2,000 from Northwest Capital Financial to go toward a new canine unit for the police department. $5,000 was set aside by the city, leaving more to raise for the start-up cost of $15,000. Council went into executive session to discuss compensation of personnel, pending litigation, and sale or acquisition of property; but no action was taken.