A couple of building projects are on the docket this year in the village of Holgate.   Holgate Council approved the purchase of about an acre of ground from the Fruth family to build a new sewer lift station on the nw edge of town along state route 18.  The purchase price is just under $15,000, with bids going out for construction in late spring.  It’s 1.8 million dollar project, with grants paying for about $250,000.  The remaining money will come from loans.

Holgate Council approved the sale of land to Ohio Rotational Molding for a plant expansion.                Residents in Holgate are reminded to fill-out and sign all tax forms before they are dropped off for filing.                 The village clerk was approved for a pay raise; but will be purchasing her own health insurance.                And Holgate Council is making plans for another community day this summer, that will include inflatibles for the kids.

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