A contingent of Napoleon officials is in the nation’s capital, meeting with legislators to alert them of issues affecting smaller communities. Two topics being brought-up with Congressman Bob Latta, and U.S. Senators Portman and Brown deal with rising sewer costs, and the EPA-ordered rebuild of the waste-water treatment plant. City Manager Joel Mazur reports the designation of Lake Erie’s western basin as an impaired waterway is driving-up costs for Napoleon. The designation could require Napoleon and other cities on the Maumee River or other waterways, to reduce their phosphorus discharge. That will mean more chemicals and more costs for residents in their sewer bills. Another topic to be discussed is the opioid epidemic, which is requiring Napoleon to supply the Multi Area Narcotics Task Force with an officer from the Police Department, due to increased investigations. It’s good there is more manpower investigating the problem; but the cost goes to the city. Napoleon is also looking at a grant to enhance technology, and implementation of more security cameras around the city to track the drug trafficking.