Look for the rental fee for shelterhouse use in Napoleon to increase. Napoleon Council approved the recommendation from the rec board to up the Oberhaus Park rental by $20, and the Ritter Park shelterhouse rental goes up $5.
Napoleon Council also approved a new corporate membership rate for the municipal golf course, allowing companies to pay a fee for their employees to golf. This would cover greens fees only.
Council authorized legislation for the purchase of two service trucks for the maintenance and water distribution departments. Napoleon Council approved the purchase of a front end loader for the operations department at $160,000, and will be selling a 1998 model.
A wellness program for city employees will be implemented, which can lower health care premiums for participants. And Napoleon Council has approved an application for the fire department to purchase equipment and mannequins to help in training. The grant is for over $19,000, with the city required to pay 5% of the cost.