Some change orders were approved by Napoleon City Council Monday night, on a couple of big projects.  An increase of over $85,800 was reported on the water plant renovation project.  The higher cost was due to some repairs need on the city’s intake crib in the Maumee River, and replacement of some pumps.           Another $58,000 increase was approved in the downtown improvement project, due to more materials needed in the street work on Perry.                           Napoleon Council approved the purchase of a new bucket truck for the electric department, at nearly $282,000.   This unit will replace an 11-year old model.

The recommendation will be for increases in the cost to rent shelterhouses at Ritter and Oberhaus Park.   The law director will bring legislation to the next meeting regarding a $20 increase at Oberhaus Shelter, and a $5 hike for the shelter at Ritter Park.

Another new proposal is to establish a corporate membership rate for the Napoleon Municipal Golf Course.  This would cover greens fees only, and would be limited to the employee only.

The other issues, ranging from re-routing state route 108, and putting a waterline on the proposed new Maumee River bridge were sent to a council committee for more discussion.

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