The village of Deshler is reaping the benefits of state tax dollars in their downtown renovation project; but are looking for more. Deshler Council Monday night approved an application for public works money to pay for repairs to the water treatment plant pump station. The total project is about $162,000; with the grant supplying 50% of that cost, if approved.
Work is underway on Deshler’s Reservoir Pathway project, with clearing of trees and concrete. That’s a $113,000 expense, with a grant from ODNR providing half the money. 17 applications have been processed in the downtown revitalization grant; but there’s more dollars available for future projects. Any businesses looking to upgrade their property in Deshler, with state grant dollars, should contact Donnell Parsons. The latest to take advantage of the program is a local auto repair facility and beautician. And Deshler Council has approved a resolution officially naming the property where a park is to be created on the former school parcel, as Pirate Park. The pirate being the former mascot for Deshler high school. Lisa Little has announced she will be organizing the next Corn City Festival, and will be hosting a meeting in September for those interested in volunteering to plan the event.