The contract for the big street improvement project slated for American Road and Oakwood Avenue has been awarded to a Dundee, Michigan company at nearly 1.4 million dollars. They were the low bidder for the work, and previously tackled a parking lot project for Napoleon Schools. Work is likely to get underway this summer on Oakwood and American Road, and be wrapped by years end.

The other phase of improvements on Oakwood Avenue, from the commissioners offices headed south to Perry Street in Napoleon is slated for 2024, utilizing a 2 million dollar grant. And in 2023, ODOT will be working on the round-about scheduled to go into the intersection of route 108, just north of the bypass, where traffic tries to exit U.S. 24.

Napoleon Council approved a replat of residential property along Oakwood Avenue near the yard waste site, where 4 parcels will be created for new homes.

Council also approved the donation of money for improvements in technology for the Oberhaus Park shelterhouse, coming from the Napoleon Lions and Rotary clubs.

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