The Four County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services has voted to place a renewal levy on the ballot this November.  The action was taken at their board meeting Thursday night.   This is a seven-tenths mill levy that was first passed in 1989, and has been renewed five times since then.   Across the four counties it generates over 2 million dollars for the Adams Board; but the levy will not increase any taxes.  Even though it is listed as a seven-tenths mill levy, the effective millage is actually about .57.                                The Adams Board reports more than 8,000 local residents received some type of services through this agency.

The board was also informed they were receiving two grants for women’s mental health, one for Serenity Haven in Fayette, and the other for women’s outpatient drug rehab services.

A contract for $80,000 was approved for the Fulton County United Way to coordinate elementary nutrition and mental health education in the four counties schools.

And $585,000 was set aside in contracts to treat substance abuse disorders.

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