A designated outdoor refreshment area in downtown Napoleon could become a reality soon.   City Council approved first reading on the proposal after some discussion, and support from another business.   The ‘DORA’ as its called, would allow alcoholic beverages to be consumed outside downtown businesses; but not transported from one store to another. 

                   Napoleon Council approved a resolution to apply for grant dollars in the neighborhood revitalization program, which would upgrade infrastructure on the south side of the city near the new Henry County Senior Center.  That passed by emergency and suspension of the rules.   The city will also be applying for Issue 2 grant dollars to help with an unspecified project.                     Napoleon Council approved the transfer of city funds to help pay for two big projects coming up:  the downtown street improvements, and payoff of the debt on the solar field project.

                   And the third and final reading was approved on legislation to temporarily eliminate residential building permit fees, to help stimulate home building and development.

Napoleon Council went into executive session to discuss income tax refunds, compensation of personnel, pending litigation, and economic development.  The income tax refund issue will be sent to committee for more dialogue.

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