Women Prefer To Hang With Bestie Over Hubby

When folks get married they may vow to spend the rest of their lives with each other, but that doesn’t mean they want to spend all their time together. In fact, a new report reveals that no matter how much a woman loves her hubby, she’d really rather be hanging with her bestie.

A new UK survey, which could easily translate here, finds that more than 50% of married gals would rather spend time with their best friend then their hubby. What’s more, 30% would prefer to have boozy lunches with their friends and 60% actually say they have a better time if no men are there at all.

As for why gals prefer their best friend over their man, the main reason is because they understand each other (57%), while the fact that a bestie actually listens to what they are saying is also a key reason (45%). Other reasons married women would rather hang with a best friend include:

  • I can tell her things I could not tell my partner (44%)
  • We enjoy the same things (41%)
  • We laugh until we cry (39%)
  • I can truly be myself (29%)
  • We go back much further (29%)
  • She offers better advice (28%)
  • She is less irritating (26%)
  • We have much more in common (25%)
  • She has a better sense of humor (19%)
  • We go wild when we’re together (18%)

Source: The Independent

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